Augmented reality (AR) is one of the biggest technology trends right now, and it’s only going to get bigger as AR ready smartphones and other devices become more accessible around the world.

Made popular by games such as Pokemon Go, many industries are now jumping on board to see how the mix of the virtual and real environment can help change their business.

Recognising the restrictions of the current business environment, Metrix Group decided to create a new tool to continue our connection with the customer and present our cutting-edge perforated products.
AR lets us see the real-life environment right in front of us—trees swaying in the park, dogs chasing balls, kids playing soccer—with a digital augmentation overlaid on it.
Our example allows you to place a 600 x 600 mm Metrix 3D Disc Panel and fixing system on a horizontal surface – or clad straight to a wall. No more guessing, waiting for samples or travelling to site.
What really sets it apart is no need for APP download. By clicking a link, or pushing an embedded button, you can be using our AR Tool immediately.
iPhone (Works on Horizontal and Vertical surfaces)

Android is a little behind with the technology. So if you want the sample to work on both a horizontal and a vertical surface, see below:
Android Horizontal Surface (Black QR)

The system allows the integrity of the scale to lock while you twist in situ or move around the object to view more details.
The Metrix Augmented Reality Tool is only a small example of the potential of this technology. We see great things on the horizon for informing, testing and presenting our products to our customers.

And if you really liked what you saw – and want to see more, you just hit the ORDER SAMPLE button and we can send you an actual sample for your office. There is still heaps of room for the real thing
Trouble Shooting
The Metrix Group AR Tool relies on the use of inbuilt AR technology in your smartphone.
APPLE and IOS Devices:
For IOS devices, the platform is very stable. The Link will work on any device running an A9 or A10 processor.
Essentially if your device can run IOS 11.0 – the link will work. Anything above an iPhone 6s and iPad 2017 will run the ARKit.
GOOGLE and Android Devices
We’re not choosing sides but this platform is a little more challenging.
We have created a link for Vertical Surfaces
And one for Horizontal Surfaces
The android device runs AR Core. You will need to open the link via Google Chrome and your device should be running Android 7.0 and should work across Asus, Google, Samsung, LG, OPPO and Sony.
Full list here
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